Accurate lactate measurement to drive performance improvement
The Lactate Scout 4 is a simple and reliable lactate meter perfect for training outdoors, in the gym or for analysing performance in a laboratory. The Lactate Scout 4 makes is easy to handle and allows for rapid assessment of lactate levels.
The Lactate Scout 4 is ideal for both coaches and athletes to assess endurance, devise optimum training programmes, avoid overtraining and use metabolic information to help set target heart rate zones.
The handheld Lactate Scout 4 requires only 0.2 µl of capillary blood, provides results in 10 seconds and can store up to 500 results. Lactate Scout 4 connects with Bluetooth® enabled heart rate monitors and features a stopwatch function to help analyse performance. With an integrated step test function and Bluetooth® connectivity, the Lactate Scout 4 is one of the most advanced hand-held lactate analysers on the market.
Easy to use
Fast and accurate
Practical and reliable
Performance measurement
During high-intensity exercise, the body produces lactate faster than it can be metabolised and removed from the blood stream. This leads to accumulation of lactate in the bloodstream.
Up to a certain threshold, the body can clear lactate at a rate at which, although there is an elevated concentration of lactate in the blood, the concentration does not impede muscle function.
Higher intensity exercise will lead to this threshold being passed, such that lactate production exceeds lactate clearance. The biochemical processes associated with increased lactate places muscle cells under stress. It is therefore important to determine the lactate threshold at which training is most effective.
Exercising at higher-intensity levels will result in exceeding the anaerobic threshold and cause a rapid increase in blood lactate concentration. This threshold varies from person to person, and an individual’s threshold can be determined using a step test. In a step test, the intensity of training gradually increases at defined intervals, e.g. on a treadmill or exercise bike or in a field test. The blood lactate concentration is measured at the end of each interval and plotted against the load value on a chart. The resulting curve indicates the threshold value. The greater the intensity of the athlete’s exercise at their anaerobic threshold indicates a fitter athlete.
If a training programme is designed so that exercise occurs in the anaerobic threshold range, it can have a positive impact on the metabolism, increase muscle cell contractions, improve muscle cell repair, increase blood capillaries and improve cardiac function. The body then produces energy more efficiently, even when exercising at higher levels of intensity.
A lactate analyser is therefore useful in fitness training and cardiovascular training, to help increase endurance without overtraining.
Lactate is a source of energy and is metabolised by muscle cells. The more efficiently lactate is metabolised the lower the blood lactate concentration will be during exercise. Additionally, excess lactate will be cleared from the circulation more rapidly during the post-exercise period.
Lac [blood] = Lac [produced] ¬ Lac [eliminated]
Endurance athletes should aim to achieve an elevated lactate equilibrium – a balance between the production and breakdown of lactate.
For training to achieve positive results and improve performance, it is therefore recommended to exercise at just below the anaerobic threshold.
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Simplicity at your Fingertips – Now with Auto-EPAP
The Vivo series is a new generation ventilators designed for personalized and comfortable non-invasive respiratory support for non-dependent patients with chronic breathing insufficiency.
The intuitive interface ensures ease of use. A comprehensive set of modes and extensive monitoring capabilities allow for great flexibility, making the ventilator a perfect choice for a variety of patients.
Meeting the needs of both medical staff and patient
The Vivo 65 is designed to meet the needs both of medical staff and a wide range of patients. It combines comfortable and controllable ventilation with excellent monitoring capabilities to potentially reduce readmissions to acute care facilities.
The Vivo 65 is an advanced homecare ventilator designed to deliver secure and comfortable (life-support) treatment to adult and pediatric patients from 5 kg. The Vivo 65 can be used for a wide variety of patients thanks to a comprehensive set of modes, circuits and accessories.
The dual limb circuit allows for measurement of exhaled volumes providing additional security. The extensive moni- toring capabilities help obtain a better insight into the quality of ventilation. The Vivo 65 is an excellent choice for mechanical ventilation at home, in the hospital and in long- term care facilities. The Vivo 65 is prepared for connection to Breas cloud solutions.
Medisorb™ CO2 Absorbent
The Medisorb™ CO2 absorbent product line supports GE Healthcare anesthesia machines. Available in a wide range of sizes and styles, it is specifically designed to help change out absorbers simply. It is also available in a low-alkaline formulation, Medisorb™ EF.
As Medisorb™ soda lime becomes exhausted, it changes colour from white to violet. With the Medisorb™ EF EX, this colour change is longer lasting, thus helping to identify previously used absorbent. The Medisorb™ EF EX will also turn violet if desiccated. Note: Colour indication is not a definitive guide to remaining absorbent life and should always be used in conjunction with CO2 monitoring.
Medisorb™ product line:
The Katana sport is a modern and reliable treadmill that can be connected to external ECG- and pulmonary devices as well as to a Lode software network (LEM or LCRM). The Lode Katana sport offers smooth acceleration and is continuously adjustable in a range of 0,5 – 30 km/h. The walking surface of 190 x 70 cm and elevation of 0 – 25%, make this treadmill the perfect solution for use in sport medical settings. The treadmill is equipped with a 7″ Control Unit with Touchscreen and fixed side handrails. The treadmill is executed with a special Lode Slat Technology with 106 soft grip covered slats that allows for high speed and a natural walking and running treadmill experience. Its Unique bearing technology delivers high speeds at low noise levels while needing low maintenance.
Timik AS
Brynsveien 18 C
0667 OsloA
Tel: +47 2207 5220 938373590
*only in Norway.
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